If you want these features for your homework (some of us really do- it’s great to be able to automate and keep track of personal banking and when/who is doing the chores…) you can simply buy a business license for Office 365 for plus or minus a few dollars the home license depending on which options you choose. The version of “OneDrive” that comes with a personal license or a “Home” Office 365 license has plenty of capabilities but lacks some of the enterprise-level controls given to organizations for workplace security, automation, and integration. Remembering that once files are shared with someone, those files can easily get into the hands of unauthorized persons.OneDrive for Business is separate from “OneDrive” as it has many more tie-ins to the enterprise features that Office 365 for Business or Enterprise brings to the table.Granting access to only specific users and never opening access to the public.Creating a separate folder for the files you want to share and limiting access to only that folder.Be cautious when sharing your files by:.Using a strong password on your device.

These infected files can infect other devices that access them. Students, faculty and staff should always take care in sharing files with others because of the ability to unintentionally load malware-infected files to the cloud.In addition, OneDrive for Business must not be used for storing any unencrypted campus Levels 1 and 2 confidential data. Usage of OneDrive for business documents is subject to existing CSU Information Security Policy, Chancellor’s Office Executive Orders, and University Guidelines, Standards and Laws.