I selected all the Edge files (there where 4 re, edge, and 2 other edge files), and simply pressed the delete key, confirmed the UAC warning, and the files where transfered to recycle bin, which I then emptied. Next, WITHOUT restarting the apps up navigate to C:/ProgramFiles(x86)/Microsoft/Edge. Kindly note that I was not connected to a network and closed all running process that was using Edge (this includes things like the Microsoft Store/Weather/Spotify etc etc.) Now that you have an edge install file handy go to Settings/Apps Right-Click Runtime2-Adv Settings and select Terminate then repair and then reset.

This is and important step as there will be a moment of time where you're machine won't be able to access the web due to most default apps use edge to open. (Note: I simply downloaded it to my smartphone (android) and connected a USB cable from my phone to my computer and drag/drop the file) With that being said I believe I've found a solution for you as I have been able to remove edge and runtime 2, and installed an up-to-date edge from the Microsoft Website here ( )īefore you get started you need to download the edge installation file and save it to a USB or a device capable of transferring (drag and drop) the downloaded edge setup to the machine that it's being installed on. Hi PavelDobCZ23, I'm Corry and I am going through the process of becoming a data science/software engineer with one day working for Microsoft. That said, running an Insider version of an un-released OS _may_ in fact come with certain components pre-installed that won’t be there by default in the release version. the publisher goes out of business or discontinues the product). Developers are free to include other rendering libraries / frameworks in their apps instead, but by using Webview2 they get free security updates even if the parent application is never updated (e.g. This is done so third-party applications can display HTML without requiring the installation of any specific end-user standalone webbrowser.

It is made available to third-party developers to install with their software as needed (much like the.

It’s also quite possible that Microsoft had nothing (directly) to do with Webview2 being installed on your machine.